This game is a submission to the Puls Game Jam . The theme was "Kaputt" (german for broken). 
Early access games are a complete mess most of the times. Even with a few updates, it doesn't only get better. 

In this Game, you are bored and want to play another game. But what to play...?

Double left click - Open Program
Left Click - Interact with buttons etc.
WSAD/Arrow Keys - Movement ( In game and menu)
Space/Enter - Confirm (Menu)
ESC - Main Menu

Sorry its kinda short and maybe a bit tricky to find out what to do next. I planned some kind of narrator that gives you hints but I ran out of time. 

Complete Solution:

Step 1 Click on the button on the screen (bottom right) and wait the intro.
Step 2 Open the internet browser (double click) In the internet browser you can see that "Heros of Epicness" is now in early access. Go to your beam shop and enter in the search bar "Heros of epicness". Press enter.
Step 3 Click buy and download the V. 1.0 of the game
Step 4 Navigate to the desktop and start the game. (double click)
Step 5 In the game menu, press space to start the game. the game should crash. restart the pc by pressing the button on the pc screen 2 times.
Step 6 You should see that an update is avaliable. Click the "Heros of Epicness Beam Store" shortcut on your desktop. Choose the new V. 1.1 Version and click install.
Step 7 You can now start the game properly. Open the game and select >Play<. You can move around now. But there is not much you can to. Go to the sign at the far right and you should unlock a new version.
Step 8 Install the new version via the beam game store page. In this version, the collisions with the plain bushes are buggy. You can move through them on the right and go to the city. You will unlock a new Version.
Step 9 Install the new Version. You can now interact with some specific npcs. Find the npc thats friend is lost. Press E to interact. He should tell the guard to let you pass in the east
Step 10 Go to the east. You will see the lost goblin but you cant really reach him. Your hitbox is too large. Go to the beam store page and install V. 1.1. With this version, you can rotate your hitbox to squeeze through.
Step 11 Install version 1.3 again to talk to the goblin.
Step 12 Go back to the village. The world is saved and you are a hero. Thank you for playing <3
Published 2 days ago
Made withUnity

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